Monday, January 19, 2015

West Point Lake, Lagrange, GA Camping & Fishing
West Point Lake,
Lagrange, GA

I spent a few days at the lake with my daughter and grandchildren this past summer, and I hope to do it again. It is a little cold to think about going camping but never too soon to plan a trip. We had a great site that had a gentle slope to the waters edge right on a secluded cove. Check out the campgrounds We camped at Holiday Park, We took the bicycles along and there was plenty of room to ride. The kids caught a few fish and we fried them up over an open fire. It was a trip they will remember for a long time.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Shenandoah Valley, Virginia

I had the privledge of visiting the Shenandoah Valley and I have to say that if had I visited when I was younger I would have considered moving there. Have you ever stood at the edge of the oean with the waves crashing over your feet? There is an energy there that renews the spirit When I drove over the mountain range into the Shenandoah Valley I had that same experience. I was there in the early summer as the Valley was in full beauty. This is one of those places you want to visit when possible.Itssomeday

Bear cub crossing the street!

Friday, January 16, 2015

Building Memories "Time Well Spent"

If you are trying to find something to do with your significant other or with the kids consider this. My youngest son and I share the same birthday, and when he was younger we would try to find something we both enjoyed. When he was 14 we decided on riding motorcycles at Durhamtown Pantation. You can tell from the pictures we had a great time. We rented one of the small cabins and two motorcycles for the weekend. Let me clarify on the cabin, when I say small it was small. The cabin consisted of two bunks, airconditioning unit, shelf, and a mirror on the wall. They have a fire ring outside to sit around at night and relax. The bath house and facilities were just a few steps away. They have all the equipment you need to ride safely and the trails are all one way. So you don't have to worry about meeting someone head on in the next curve. You could buy all three meals at the shop on the property. They even have a couple of ponds so we took a little time to fish. We had so much fun we made the trip 3 years in a row. Sometimes it is hard to find something out of the ordinary to do especially when you don't know exactly what your looking for. Plan some time for the family and find your next adventure!


Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Cross Creek National Wildlife Refuge

 One of my favorite places to go fishing is Cross Creek National Wildlife Refuge. Cross Creek is located in Dover, TN along the banks of the Cumberland River. In the spring I like to arrive there early in the morning. When the sun comes up across the refuge, it’s like being close to God. Everything is still; the water is calm except for the occasional fish breaking the water. The deer are feeding on the new growth of grass in the fields. The bald eagles perched on a limb high over the lake, protecting their nest and looking for an opportunity to grab a fish from the lake below. When I am here, I feel privileged to stand in the midst of all of this beauty. I usually spend the whole day fishing for anything that will bite, but there is nothing like hooking a large mouth bass on a top water lure. I cast out across the still water with an artificial frog, as I work it across the top of the water, a bass will come up from beneath exploding onto the surface. The adrenaline rushes through your body like crazy, it’s at that moment you have to resist pulling on your line. To catch him you have to wait until he goes back under water and closes his mouth. Then, the fight is on, five pounds of solid muscle struggles to escape before you can pull him from the water. What he doesn’t know; I intend to release him back into the lake, to continue to live his life. These are the days that I live for, and I look forward to spring every year

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